Saturday, December 29, 2007

I love my friends

So, my winter has just become officially better! Thanks to the wonderful Trisler fam. + some homemade goodies ( Brooke and Andrea, youve been gone 20 minutes now and Ive eaten all of the candy you left) my 2007 year is coming to a close on a very happy, sugar filled note :) Im def. always aware of the fact that I miss all of my out of town friends like Andrea and Brooke,and Liz, but nothing highlights that like a visit. Its easy to take for granted friendships unfortunately. Seattle is only a flight away, and cellphones and the internet make communication around the clock possible....but none of that even comes close to a nice cup of coffee somewhere and a few hours to talk, or a boardgame night and some chips and salsa on the weekend. I suppose I will just have to move to Seattle- haha, how horrible ;)

1 comment:

andrea said...

YEAH!! It was great getting to visit you! Wanna see pics from our visit? view our blog:

Julia, that is sweet about your book! I'm so proud of you, and I think it is really cool that you are doing this. I think you should go for it and send it to the publisher! You're awesome:) Keep me updated on it.

Love you, girl!