Saturday, January 19, 2008

The only one

It blows my mind, and backs up my convictions, that the Obama website is the only one out of the three leading Democratic candidates to discuss "first Americans" i.e. "the indians." The forgotten nation within our oh so great one. Plus, not only does he talk about issues and law that are relevant only to first Americans, he specifically addresses the issue of violence against women on reservation land. He also discusses child abuse, drug abuse, weapons abuse, abuse by non-reservation members (reservation law cannot penalize non-reservation members) , etc. Could it be that we actually, FINALLY, have a politician who is ready to bring to the center those who were silent in the margin? Hillary Clinton says nothing about Native women, or Native Americans in general (boy, she really is a champion for women isnt she), and neither does Edwards. I really want to highlight the contrasts between Obama and Hillary. Looking at a candidates website is, I think, one of the best ways right off the bat to get to "know" them. Its just like picking an art college, when you get all those brochures in the mail. Colleges are going to put the best art they have on their brochure. If the art on the brochure is trash, chances are the college sucks. So, right off the bat see who is and especially who isnt included in an individual politicains wide lensed view of the world.

*Obama includes: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, African Americans, Americans abroad, Environmentalists, First Americans, Kids, Latinos, LGBT, People of Faith, Students, Women, Vetrans.

These are all off of his official website. One thing that Ive always thought was cool about his site is that he has a drop down menu for "People" which is where I got the titles I just listed. He also then has a drop down menu for "Issues." In doing this I really feel he is acknowledging individual identities, not just issues, but the very personal (perhaps most personal) category of who we know ourselves to be and who we want to be known as in the broader sense.

Clinton includes: To be honest Im not really sure. She says shes the "Champion for women", she talks about immigration, strengthening the middle class, affordable healthcare, improving schools, providing vetren services. So I guess that means all the people who fall under those broad topics, whoever they are. In my opinion, when people are lumped together like that someone (and some grouping of people) are going to fall through the cracks.

Both sites allow people to read it in spanish, which is good.

On a purely asethetic note, Clinton's site is super ugly. Sorry, it is. She needs to get a new web designer. So if her site was an art college brochure, Id throw it in the trash.

One last thing, I really appreciate that on the very first page of the Obama site there is a button that says "Register to Vote" I hate it when people assume that everyone has registered to vote. Especially because alot of times minority groups are scared away from not only voting, but registering to vote. The Obama site provides a safe, personal place to take even the first step. Once again, the Obama campaign is doing a great job at bringing the marginalized to the center.

Look/think for yourself! :